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        1. 午夜福利院,91狠狠色噜噜狠狠狠狠88vv,亚洲日韩天堂,午夜福利视频网站



          Nifedipine Controlled-release Tablets

          Ingredients Nifedipine
          Indication 1. Hypertension
          2. Coronary heart disease; Chronic Stable Angina (Classical Effort-Associated Angina).
          Return Contact Us
          Usage and Dosage
          Treatment should be individualized as much as possible. Depending on the clinical condition of the patient, different basal doses are given. (Please see the drug insert for details)
          The following doses are recommended for adults unless specifically prescribed by a physician.

          1. Hypertension:
          30mg (1 tablet) once a day
          60mg (2 tablets) once a day

          2. Coronary artery disease:
          Chronic stable angina pectoris (exertional angina pectoris)
          30mg (1 tablet) once a day
          60mg (2 tablets) once a day

          The initial daily dosage for treatment is usually 30mg.

          7 tablets/plate,
          1 plate/carton

          10 tablets/plate,
          1 plate/carton

          7 tablets/plate,
          2 plates/carton

          7 tablets/plate,
          3 plates/carton

          10 tablets/plate,
          3 plates/carton

          7 tablets/plate,
          4 plates/carton

          Please read the user manuals and follow the instructions of the pharmacist carefully when taking drugs.



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