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        1. 午夜福利院,91狠狠色噜噜狠狠狠狠88vv,亚洲日韩天堂,午夜福利视频网站


          GoeGoe Pharmaceutical Co. Kicks off the Construction of New Facilities in Zhenjiang

          Time of announcement:2021-09-13 Source of articles:Honglin pharmaceutical

          GoeGoe Pharmaceutical Co. (briefed as Beijing Honglin pharmaceutical company in the following text) held the project launching ceremony in Zhenjiang New District on August 24th, the construction work will begin in September.



          Beijing Honglin pharmaceutical company strives to establish the Zhenjiang New Plant Program. The construction of this project includes modern GMP pharmaceutical production plants, buildings for offices, laboratories and other buildings. It applies new generation of imported automated and advanced production equipment to achieve intelligence-oriented transformation as well as the achievement of high-quality industrial development of the R&D., production and sales sectors of the company.





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